In Ancient Greece the word " Gymnasium "Referred to all the sports facilities and equipment available to in a city or body exercises. Public place of sharing and exchange where everyone could learn from others in order to develop their body and mind to make every day of their life a better day!
Our concept of the gymnasium is therefore centered around the human being, around what is essential in life. We still believe, despite the excesses of our society, in these values of mutual support, sharing, camaraderie and a taste for effort! In any case, this is the state of mind in which we want to welcome you to our home, this place that we invite you to come and discover for yourself in order to better understand the scope of our commitment!
The Gymnasium is therefore a place of exchange and life where you will be able to meet nice people, surpass yourself physically and mentally, recover after the effort and take care of your body and enjoy a healthy meal to recharge your batteries!
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images | Mousnatch-Rond |
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samedi 2 NOVEMBRE
compétition team de 2
dimanche 3 NOVEMBRE
compétition team de 3
les standards
WOD Évolutif selon votre niveau
standards - HOMME
Pull up / Toes to bar (au moins 1 athlète team)
Snatch 40kg
Clean and jerk 50kg
standards - femme
Pull up / Toes to bar (au moins 1 athlète team)
Snatch 30kg
Clean and jerk 40kg